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Richard Matzkin writes blogs and speaks with men, specifically about the need for kindness. The history of men's aggression has shown that we men need to focus more on our hearts.
Mass shootings, child molestation, road rage, vandalism, sexual harassment, domestic violence... it is an undeniable fact that the vast majority of evil, hurtful, and unkind actions in the world are committed by men—men who are not in touch with their heart. My intention is to call out men to address the damage being wrought by those of us who cannot love and to take on the essential, life-changing work of opening our own masculine hearts.
Alice and Richard blog about Relationships—sharing their true experiences, answering questions about how to have a magnificent relationship, and how you can take love into action.
High on the list of causes of human suffering is unhappy relationships. We have been blessed with a magnificent one. It is our intention through our writing, teaching, and appearances in the media, to proclaim this good news. Our work offers the tools to make that relationship a reality for everyone.
Our content on aging focuses on the positive side as well as the more challenging time of entering into our old age. In order to come to an acceptance of our aging bodies and minds, we created over 60 pieces of art over a period of 15 years. We share these works with you.
As part of our personal growth and our responsibility as elders, our intention is to share what we have learned about growing older. By exhibiting our art, speaking, and writing, we intend to spread the important message that aging is not the end of life, but can be a positive new beginning and the crowning culmination of a lifetime.
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