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Becoming Loveable Book

Available Spring 2024

LOVE AND TIME  by Richard Matzkin

Embracing Change, Growth And Mature Relationships In The Winter Of Life. 

Love and time – two of the most important aspects of human existence.  Over time, as we age and mature, our love matures and ripens.  This book explores, from many different angles, the powerful influence of the passage of time on a person’s life and relationships. 


“LOVE and TIME is unlike any other book on aging I have read. The voice of lived experience, rendered thoughtfully, profoundly, provocatively. Really important. Indispensable”.   – Harry R. Moody PhD


“A wonderful and unique book. A profound contemplation on the twin mysteries of love and time, as lived by a man with the heart of an artist and the soul of a poet”. – Connie Zweig PhD

“I have never read a book like LOVE and TIME. It gave me a visceral experience of what it can mean to be fully, passionately present to all the painful losses and shining gifts that accompany this precious stage of life.”  – Ron Pevny MA

“There is a love story woven into the pages that is so deep and passionate, it would make even younger aspire to some day experience the greatest joy of all; growing old together."  – Carol Orsborn PhD


BECOMING LOVE-able by Richard Matzkin

How A Man Can Grow To Be A More Loving Partner

You’ll see shelves lined with books on relationships, love, and marriage in any bookstore or library. The vast majority are read by women trying to find love, make sense of their relationship, or discover ways to repair a broken love. Almost all of these books are slanted toward the women who will read them; few are directed toward men. Yet most men lag behind women in their understanding of love and relationships. They need guidance.


Why? Because men love different. Understanding those differences will help a man navigate the sometimes turbulent seas of relationship.


Richard Matzkin, an award-winning author of three books, wrote this book from the male perspective. Men process information differently than women, so the book’s ideas are delivered in a way men understand, short, meaty chapters, without case histories, dialog, or written exercises. There is no fluff, just concrete, specific, and goal-oriented ideas since most men tend to be tuned to action. The book lays out the raw truth about love from the male point of view. This kind of love is distinctly masculine, not New Age nor the old model of male dominance. Matzkin’s approach invites the man, straight or gay, to show his masculine core and ask his partner to show up with her full feminine power.

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Richard speaks about his new book

Matzkin introduces thirty-nine behaviors that encompass the essence of love. These loving behaviors, when practiced and brought into a relationship, will cultivate a strong, unbreakable partnership. He used his four-decade loving relationship as proof of these principles. The book is not for young men still exploring, but for a man with life experiences and ready to settle down into a committed relationship with one person. And the book is not for people with deeply troubled relationships as this is not therapy. Readers looking for a quick fix won’t find it here. What they will find is a way of life that invites profound, abiding love.


A foundation built on a bedrock of a solid love between intimate partners is potent. This book is for men wanting to expand their relationship and deepen their commitment to a genuinely love-abled life.

"BECOMING LOVE-ABLE is a book every man would do well to read and every woman wishes the man she loves would have the good sense to devour. For any man who has the desire and courage to become love able, I highly recommend this book.

                                                – Jed Diamond, PhD, author of The Enlightened Marriage:

                                                   The 5 Transformative Stages Of Relationship And Why The Best Is Yet To Come


The motivation to write this poetic essay was Richard coming to realize his blindness to a truth that has been hiding in plain sight. And it became his call to action for men.


Nightly, the news media carries reports of mass shootings, child molestation, road rage, vandalism, sexual harassment, and domestic violence. People instinctively assume that men are the likely perpetrators, and in the vast majority of cases, they are. The incidence of war, rape, crime, torture, genocide, and terrorism is mainly at the hands of men. Though women are certainly not blameless, the reality is that a far more significant amount of the evil, hurtful and unloving actions in the world are committed by men—men who are not in touch with their hearts.


Matzkin believes it's time men open their eyes, realize their responsibility, and do something about it. Men are colluding by maintaining silence in the face of malicious actions and not protesting. Men remain part of the problem by not doing all they can to open themselves to love. 



These are the dual goals of the book. First, to help men cultivate and develop their natural inclination to love and be loved. And second, to apply their loving nature in support of efforts to heal the conflicts that divide person from person, community from community, and country from country.


Endorsements for Manifesto


Richard has written an important book.  His work follows the ancient tradition of warriorship and is an important resource for all men.  — Jed Diamond, PhD, author of 16 books for and about men, including The Enlightened Marriage.

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Richard speaks about his MANifesto

In a world of blame, we need inspiration; not the inspiration to kill or be killed, but the inspiration to love and be loved.  MANifesto: A Call For Men To Become Warriors For Kindness is just such an inspiration. 

                         —Warren Farrell, PhD, author of, The Boy Crisis, and numerous books about gender.

MANIFESTO by Richard Matzkin

A Call For Men To Become Warriors Of Kindness


An intimate look into the workings of a truly magnificent partnership and exploration of the human capacity for generous and mature love.


In this unique inquiry into the most profound incarnation of love, author Richard Matzkin looked to his extraordinary, three-decade-long marriage to Alice as a living laboratory to research the elements that comprise a truly loving, magnificent partnership. As a result, he discovered thirty-nine Loving Promises statements of intention you pledge to yourself, not your partner, that are the behavioral components of deep, abiding love.


These Promises are a profound path to transforming even a good relationship into a magnificent one.

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In addition to the usual vows lovers make to each other, vows of commitment, honesty, acceptance, unselfishness, and fidelity, the Promises include more obscure but no less important ones such as: I Will Regard You As My Equal, I Will Participate In Your Life, I Will Challenge You When Necessary, I Will Not Manipulate You, I Will Protect Our Confidentiality, I Will Honor Your Family, I Will Respect Our Independence. Each one of these pledges is an essential aspect of a loving relationship.

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Book Endorsements


"Immensely practical. I cannot imagine a book that holds more potential to improve relationships. Just reflect on one of these Promises a day and the sky is the limit." —Steven G. Post, Ph.D., President, Unlimited Love Institute; Author of Why Good Things Happen to Good People

LOVING PROMISES by Richard Matzkin

The Master Class For Creating Magnificent Relationship

Loving Promises book

In their award-winning book, The Art of Aging, painter Alice Matzkin and sculptor Richard Matzkin share the wisdom of elder mentors to look for the positive side of growing older and coming to accept and appreciate their aging.


Throughout this beautiful and touching book, the couple explores the experience of aging through their paintings, sculptures and writings. In a series of projects that confront their fear and curiosity about growing old, they examine physical changes, sensuality and relationships, aging parents, spirituality, and death. Drawing on their personal experiences and the wisdom of older mentors, they conclude that the elder years can be a time of ripening and harvest rather than stagnation and despair. Their art features well-known people such as feminist Betty Friedan and potter Beatrice Wood, friends, neighbors, relatives, and themselves. Both artists find a source of creativity in the older nude body. This profusely illustrated book contains a wealth of inspiration, especially for those about to enter their later years.


The Art of Aging is the recipient of two book awards, the Independent Publishers IPPY award and the Nautilus award for books that promote conscious living, spiritual growth, and positive social change. Two of the paintings from the book, one of Beatrice Wood at 100 and Betty Friedan are now in the permanent collection of the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. The couple appeared on many television shows including Oprah.


The Art of Aging Reader's Guide

The Matzkins have made available a free PDF: The Art of Aging Reader's Guide (click to download) to their book The Art of Aging: Celebrating the Authentic Aging Self. It consists of questions and activities based on the text, which promote self-examination and deepen understanding of a variety of issues around aging.



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Book Endorsements


"Take this book and move slowly through it. Let the images work inside you and make room for the feelings and reflections they engender. I am deeply moved by the Matzkins' vision."

                        —Richard Moss, M.D. - Author of The Mandala of Being


"This is a beautiful book. The art work is sensitive and the content is meaningful. A must read for people of all ages."

                        —Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D. - Author of With Purpose: Going from Success to Significance in Work and Life

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by Alice & Richard Matzkin

Celebrating the Authentic Aging Self 

The Art of Aging
Love and Time


A Young Person's Initiation To Navigate

The Seasons Of Their Life.

This book is a  "Bird's Eye View" for young people, late teens to early twenties, as to what they might expect over the course of their lifetime. It compares the stages of life to the seasons of the year, and contains wise advice from an elder for living a fruitful, beneficial and joy filled life.

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